
Gratitude and Caring Board

Each of us makes a difference within ASPAN and the impact creates ripples for all of us! Consider making a tribute and thanking a perianesthesia member by creating a note of gratitude. All it takes is a simple recognition and share acknowledgement on the ASPAN Gratitude and Caring Board virtual space to add positive notes or appreciation messages. Science encourages us to adopt practices of gratitude. The health benefits are plentiful, increasing happiness, enhances joy and satisfaction for the giver and receiver. Better yet, this habitude of gratitude gesture is free to share. Be daring to care in the perianesthesia gratitude movement.

With kindness and gratitude,
ASPAN President Connie Hardy Tabet

Submission send to:
Eileen Zeiger,

Quiet Reflections, Gratitude, and a Holiday Greeting 
Marlene Nahavandi BSN RN CAPA 

The word gratitude comes to mind after reflecting upon care I recently received in the perianesthesia setting. Gratitude encompasses a state of being thankful. Gratitude is a virtue that can enhance one’s life in many ways. It encourages each of us to return kindness to others. Feelings of gratitude are known to boost happiness and foster both physical and psychological health.

Perianestheisa nurses are amazing group that functions seamlessly to provide outstanding care to each, and every patient encountered on any given day. Thank you for all you do.

During this time of the year, we all get so busy and forget about taking time to enjoy the season. The holiday season often brings added stress for families and individuals, but it should be a time of rejuvenation. This is the time to appreciate the compassion, empathy and love that is all part of our life. It is the time to reconnect to your faith and spirit. This is the time to appreciate the abundance you have been given: whether is it is food, good health, family, gifts, home, fortune or etc. Avoid the trap of materialism; give meaningful gifts to those you care about. More importantly take time to connect with family and friends and express your gratitude during the holiday and upcoming New Year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  