How many times have you thought about doing something special for a colleague who always does more than her/his share and does it with a smile? Everyone works with someone special who has inspired or influenced them, who is dedicated and always seems to make life easier for you and your colleagues. This is the perfect time to think “Hail, Honor, Salute!”
“Hail, Honor, Salute!” is a unique way to honor that special person and, at the same time, make a charitable gift to the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. You can also acknowledge a special occasion, birthday, anniversary or your appreciation for a special favor. The honoree will receive a beautiful certificate that is perfect for framing and acknowledges your appreciation and good wishes! Many ASPAN initiatives, including scholarships and awards, education, public awareness, and original research, have benefited from gifts to the HHS campaign!
For additional information on Hail, Honor, Salute!, contact Doug Hanisch at the National Office:
Click here for a printable donation form
Thank you!