
The Perianesthesia Nursing Professional Practice Model

Almost 20 years ago, respective ASPAN leaders developed a conceptual model for evidence-based practice. The model provided a systematic method for incorporating EBP as the superior approach to improving patient outcomes in perianesthesia practice. Moving forward, the ASPAN President identified a need to evaluate, and re-engineer the vision, concepts, and structure of the EBP Strategic Work Team (SWT) and Research Committee. A SWT commissioned by the President for discussion and collaboration were the genesis of adopting Clinical Inquiry as the umbrella term for EBP, Research, Quality Improvement, and Innovation. Clinical Inquiry spans all the activities in the continuum of development and application of new knowledge and innovation and has a dedicated standard in the ASPAN Standards.

Also revealed during these lively discussions was that Clinical Inquiry activities are truly critical to all aspects of perianesthesia nursing practice, and do not stand alone. Our standards are derived from and are the foundation of perianesthesia Clinical Practice and are interconnected to Clinical Inquiry and Clinical Education. Our patients are seen through all phases of perianesthesia care delivery, and our practice is influenced by the environment. The concepts, elements, scope, and linkages identified, and the relationships between them and within perianesthesia nursing, drove the conceptualization of a professional practice model where perianesthesia nurses are committed to the patients and families for whom we care; they are at the center of our practice and our “Why”.

ASPAN is the premier organization that establishes excellence in perianesthesia nursing practice.  ASPAN’s core purpose is to empower and advance the unique specialty of perianesthesia nursing. We have developed a Perianesthesia PPM that depicts the core concepts and relationships within our practice.

We dedicate this work to the patients, families, and perianesthesia nurses who made this work meaningful.

Click here for The Perianesthesia Nursing Professional Practice Model video presentation.