ASPAN Education Approval Program: Required Forms
The American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) is an accredited approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
The primary purpose of the ASPAN Approver Program is to review and to approve applications for continuing nursing education activities. This purpose is accomplished by providing a peer review approval process for reviewing applications and awarding contact hours when the operational requirements are met.
- The documents below are required for the application process. ALL FORMS must be completed and submitted to the ASPAN National Office before the approval process will begin.
- Applications submitted less than 60 days prior to activity date will not be accepted for review.
- Please send completed forms via email to Eileen Zeiger,
VERY IMPORTANT - You must "Save and Rename" all forms below to your own computer prior to filling them in, or they will be in "Read Only" format.
2022 REQUIRED FORMS: (Save all forms to your computer. The forms that are Word documents must be submitted to ASPAN as Word documents, and the forms that are pdfs must be submitted as pdfs.) New, revised forms below are required for any program taking place after July 1, 2022.
- BROCHURE: The program Brochure must be pre-approved prior to distribution. The sample indicates required information, not required layout. You can submit your Brochure for review prior to submitting the rest of your forms. Please note: A Save-the-Date flyer is NOT required if all of the information is available to complete your brochure.
- APPLICATION FORM: The Nurse Planner completes the Application Form for the program confirming that all information is consistent with information on the Brochure and other required forms; i.e. all names and credentials must be identical on each form. Please note: If your program has more planners or presenters than there is room to list on this form, please contact the ASPAN office ( for a different form.
- FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE FORM: (previously the Conflict of Interest Form) A Financial Relationship Disclosure Form must be completed and submitted for ALL presenters and ALL planners. (This includes anyone in a position to control content.)Sample of a completed FRD: Nurse Planner( for a different form.
- EVALUATION FORM: An Evaluation Form must be submitted for the entire program. This sample indicates required format.m.
- OUTCOME MEASURE: An outcome measure, such as a post test, is now required. You listed the outcome that you plan to measure on your brochure/flyer. You can include the Outcome Measure, such as a post-test on your Evaluation Form..
- See sample under Evaluation form
- CERTIFICATE: A sample of the Certificate that will be awarded at the completion of the program must be submitted. This sample indicates required information, not required layout..
- PARTICIPANT CONTACT INFORMATION FORM: A sample of the form that will be used to collect Participants' information must be submitted. Required information includes unique identifier number for each participant, name, address, city, state, zip, email address, and number of contact hours awarded.
- REQUIRED HANDOUT FOR ACTIVITY WITH "CLINICAL CONTENT”: A sample of the Required Handout for Activity with Clinical Content that will be distributed to each participant at the program must be submitted. The handout must include the schedule, disclosure table and all required disclosure information.
- REQUIRED HANDOUT FOR ACTIVITY WITH "NO CLINICAL CONTENT”: A sample of the Required Handout for Activity with No Clinical Content that will be distributed to each participant at the program must be submitted. The handout must include the schedule, disclosure table and all required disclosure information.
- COMMERCIAL SUPPORT FORM: Commercial support is financial or in-kind contributions given by a commercial interest that are used to pay for all or part of the costs of a CNE activity.
- EVALUATION OF ORGANIZATION AS AN INELIGIBLE COMPANY: Applicants should only complete this Form if directed to do so by the ASPAN Accredited Approver Unit.
- The Brochure should be submitted for review as soon as it is completed. This can be done in advance and separate from the submission of the required forms. The Brochure must be pre-approved prior to distribution.
- All forms must be completed and sent via email on the same day, to
- Applications submitted less than 60 days prior to activity date will not be accepted for review.
- An ASPAN Education Approver Team will be assigned to your program for review. The team leader will work with the program Nurse Planner to ensure all ANCC requirements are met.
- An Approval Letter indicating Direct Care (DC) or Indirect Care (IC) designations and number of Contact Hours will be sent to the Nurse Planner when the program is approved. The Approval Letter lists the items that are required to be submitted to the ASPAN National Office after the program is held. These items must be received within 30 days of the program date to maintain the approval status. Items required include:
- Number of attendees
- Participant Information Form
- Evaluation summary analysis
- Outcome evaluation analysis
- Copy of completed certificate
- Submit fee to the National Office by check or credit card.