
Message from the President

Passion and Excellence:
Growing, Learning, and Leading Together

November/December 2024

The seasons are changing, and the holidays are fast-approaching. I have had the pleasure of traveling to various parts of the country to participate in many component fall conferences. ASPAN is the premier organization for perianesthesia nursing excellence as evidenced by the outstanding educational programs provided across the country. Every time I attend a seminar, either in person or virtual, I learn something new and become energized in my professional practice. In meeting perianesthesia nurses from other areas of the country, you realize the issues you face in your organization are not unique. It’s during the connection with others that we learn new ideas and how to face various challenges, which allows us to grow. 

I am a California girl and my theme for my presidency is “Passion and Excellence: Growing, Learning, and Leading Together.” During the closing breakfast at this year’s ASPAN National Conference in Orlando, there were California poppy seed flower packets at the tables. I challenged everyone to take a packet of seeds and scatter in your gardens, symbolic of growing our organization. Growing our organization takes dedication and teamwork. I believe grassroots level recruitment is essential for sharing the many benefits of ASPAN with our colleagues.

Donna Eckert, Indiana Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (INSPAN) past president, recently shared with me some pictures of her poppies that were grown from the packet of seeds from conference. I asked Donna if I could share her story:

“I planted the entire packet and these two are the only two to survive. I will admit that I am not much of a green thumb. Most of my plants are almost dead by this time of the summer! It is quite amazing that these two have survived and they finally bloomed this weekend. I have had to protect them from my husband and his love of Round-Up. The neighbor’s cat also frequents my landscaping. 

We have had an unusually dry summer. I have watered these plants and talked with them daily with words of encouragement. I have nurtured them, and I almost gave up hope that they would ever bloom. Saturday morning, I went out to do my usual care, and there it was! The first bloom looking beautiful in the morning light. Despite all the obstacles, the little seed grew into this beautiful flower!

It made me think of INSPAN. In September of 2022, Charlotte West made a motion to dissolve INSPAN due to lack of member involvement. The board of directors at that time had all rotated through the board positions multiple times. Most of them were retired nurses and were just trying to hold it together through COVID. Craig Baker and I, Tara Moore, and Heather Diaz all stood up and took over the board positions. Craig and I wondered many times what we got ourselves into! But through the careful guidance of the 2022 board and the support from our Region Three Regional Directors, Deb Moengen and Marlene Nahavandi, along with the ASPAN Board, we have not only survived but are now beginning to thrive. We are holding the first fall conference since 2019. We have a full slate on our ballot for the 2025 board of directors. We actually need to have an election! We have members attending and participating in our board meetings. 

INSPAN is making great strides! We still have some work to do to be up and running full force. But with the support of you and Alphonzo, Marlene, and so many others, we will get there. As I approach the end of my term, this little flower blooming brings me to tears. I see where we were and now where we are. It makes me think that INSPAN is just like this little pansy. We are a little bud on the verge of becoming a flower. With nurturing, guidance, and support, we will be in full bloom one day.

Thank you, Lori, for giving us these flower seeds!”

Donna Eckert, BSN, RN, CPAN
INSPAN Immediate Past President” 

(Permission to print given via email communication, September 2024)

Thank you, Donna, for letting me share your story! Thank you to all ASPAN members across the country for what you do to grow our organization and develop excellence in perianesthesia nursing. 

Archive of ASPAN Presidents' Messages