

2016 Celebrate Successful Practices Abstracts

ASPAN's 35th National Conference
April 10-14, 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Peer Panel Survey Versus Non Anonymous Peer Survey to Continue to Build a High Performing Culture
Contact:  Joyce Burke BSN CPAN NEA-BC
The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio

Improving Care Coordination in a New PACU: Putting the Pieces Together
Contact:  Elsy Puthenparampil MSN RN-BC CPAN
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Working Nine to Five, Finding a Plan to Increase Staff Moral and Decrease Hours Worked After 6PM
Contact:  Linda Wollak RN CAPA
Caromont Regional Medical Center, Gastonia, North Carolina

OR to PACU Handoff: Efficient and Safe Transfer of Care
Contact:  Carolyn Benigno MSN RN CPN
Children’s National Health System, Washington, DC

Postoperative Case Study: A Collaborative Approach to Symptomatic Bradycardia
Contact:  Julie Thomas MSN RN CPAN
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

PASS Phone Interview Project
Contact:  Heather L. Gilbert RN BSN BA CNOR
St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, California

Wake Wings: From the Sky to the Bedside
Contact:  Laura Stack RN CAPA
Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Introduction of "Comfort Card" in Perioperative Area to Improve Patient Experience and Nursing Communication
Contact:  Schuyler Alsop MSN RN
New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell, New York, New York

Improving RN Satisfaction of Hand-Off Report from Anesthesia to the PACU RN
Contact:  Gregory Camacho RN MSN
New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York

Being Broke is No Joke. Time = Money
Contact:  Donna Voldan BSN RN CAPA  
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, Ohio

Transitions: Transferring a Level I Trauma Center and Combining Preop, Phase I, & Phase II Units
Contact:  Julie Thomas MSN RN CPAN
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Instilling a Quality-Safe Culture in Your ASC
Contact:  Barbara J. Holder RN BSN LHRM CAPA
Andrews Institute Ambulatory Surgery Center, Gulf Breeze, Florida

The Integration of Perianesthesia Certified Nurses Into An Ambulatory Specialty Treatment Center
Contact:  Yvette Rosenthal RN CAPA
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Creating a Resource Guide for the New Preprocedure Float Pool Nurse
Contact:  Denise Barry BSN RN CPAN
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Perioperative Cross-Training: Improving Patient Care Flow and Satisfaction
Contact:  Christine Kuthan MSN RN CPAN
UNC Hospital, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Engaging Staff to Create a Blended Unit and Efficient Staffing Matrix
Contact:  Jessie Brooks RN BSN
University of Kansas Hospital, Kansas City, Kansas

Perianesthesia Model of Care Transition
Contact:  Cidalia J. Vital RN MS CNL CPAN
Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Massachusetts

Specialty Task Force: Key Element in EMR Optimization
Contact:  Mary Rachel Romero MSN RN CPAN CAPA
University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, Colorado

PACU Documentation: Transitioning From Paper to the Electronic Record
Contact:  Diane Fetterhoff BSN RN CPAN
Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

What Goes In (The OR) Must Come Out
Contact: Vonda L. Davidson BSN RN CPAN
Hospital if the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Focusing On Pain: Engaging the Team in Documentation Can Impact Outcomes
Contact:  Sarah Wente PhD RN
Fairview Ridges Hospital Burnsville, Minnesota

When the Screen Went Black: Lessons Learned From Five Days of Downtime
Contact:  Mary Gibson MSN RN CPN
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Visitation Without Limitation: Facetime in the PACU
Contact:  Maria Gutierrez BSN RN CPAN
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center, Laguna Hills, California

Is This Patient Ready for Anesthesia? EMR Review + Interview Can Make a Difference
Contact:  Barbara David BSN RN CPAN CPN
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee

PostOperative Telephone Call: Key Element in Transition of Care
Contact:  Mary Rachel Romero MSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA
University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, Colorado

Improving the Process of Identifying Defective Equipment by Durable Labeling System in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Contact:  Florine Mendonsa BSN RN CPAN
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Implementing CAUTI Prevention Bundle in the PACU
Contact:  Dwayne E. Brown RN CPAN
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas    

Sepsis Awareness Among Oncology Outpatients
Contact:  Biji Chirappattu BSN RN CPAN RN-BC
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Partnering With Interpreter Services in the Perioperative Environment to Improve Safety and Quality of Care to Patients and Families With Limited English Proficiency
Contact:  Susan N. Kamerling MSN RN BC
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Essential Role of PACU Nursing in Developing and Sustaining a Multidisciplinary Enhanced Recovery Program
Contact:  Jin Huang BSN RN OCN RN-BC
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Pediatric Crash Cart Comparison Study: Quality Improvement Pilot Study of Performance and Perceptions
Contact:  Myrna Mamaril MS RN CPAN CAPA FAAN
John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

Pediatric PACU Extended Observation: A New Model of Care
Contact: Myrna Mamaril MS RN CPAN CAPA FAAN
Bloomberg Children’s Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

Green Means Go: Safe PACU Transitions
Contact:  Amy Kohl MSN RN CCRN
Christiana Care Health System, Newark, Delaware

Early Recovery Protocol: Strategy to Decrease Patient Length of Stay
Contact:  Ann Deacon RN MSN CPAN
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

Wake Me Up Before I Go Go: Development of Post Sedation Discharge Assessment Tool
Contact: Linda Beagley MS RN CPAN
Swedish Covenant Hospital, Chicago, Illinois

Perioperative Pit Crew: Ready, Set, Start on Time!
Contact:  Michelle Ballou MBA MS RN CPAN
University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, Colorado

Implementing and Sustaining a Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program (CUSP)
Contact:  Kimberly Connolly BSN RN CPAN
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

Creating an Extended Stay Unit Within the Perianesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
Contact:  Elena Lara BSN RN CPAN
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

Providing Value in Surgical Services: Implementation of a Surgical Clearinghouse
Contact:  Andrea Carver BSN RN
Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

Treating Post-Operative Nausea and Vomiting With Isoprophly Alcohol Inhalation
Contact:  Barbara Gozaloff RN BSN CPAN
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina

Including Aromatherapy for Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting, an Evidence-Based Practice Project
Contact:  Jennifer Amedio BSN RN CPAN CAPA CCRN PCCN
Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital, Houston, TX

Stay Just a Little Bit Longer: Extended Recovery in the PACU
Contact:  Krista Hall RN BSN CPAN
University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, Colorado

Improving Throughput of Joint and Spine Patients From Phase I: A Rapid Improvement Event
Contact:  Jennifer King MSN RN CPAN
Anne Arundel Medical Center, Annapolis, Maryland

PACU Throughput and Capacity Initiative to Increase the Availability of PACU Beds and Decrease Operating Room to PACU Holds
Contact:  Kelly Connolly MSN RN
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Adding a Care Coordinator to the Perianesthesia Resource Team
Contact:  Marie Courtney BSN RN CPAN CAPA
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Multidisciplinary Approach to Maximizing Throughput in the Surgical Services Setting
Contact:  Katherine Wittling RN BSN CAPA
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, Egleston and Scottish Rite Campuses

Total Joint Patient Flow Improvement Project
Contact:  Sana Zamarripa BSN RN CPAN
St. Mary Corwin Hospital, Pueblo, Colorado

The Partner in Care Initiative Jump Starts a Culture Into Patient and Family Centered Care
Contact:  Debbie K. Sandlin BSN RN CPAN
St. Elizabeth Healthcare, Edgewood, Kentucky

Anticipatory Model for Holding Room (HR) Access/Throughput: Creating Capacity Without Adding More Space
Contact: Betty Sue Minton RN MSN
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

Preoperative Hair Removal Improvement Process
Contact:  Melissa S. Schmidt BSN CPAN CAPA
VA Portland Healthcare System, Portland, Oregon

PACU Nursing Protocol for Suspected Corneal Abrasions
Contact:  Laura Haines BSN RN CPAN
University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland

Pediatric Sedation Specialty Unit: Enhancing Patient Care
Contact:  Erin Lowerhouse BSN RN CPN
Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, California

T Minus 15 Minutes: A Peri-Operative Countdown to Safety
Contact:  Anna Szul BSN RN CAPA
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York

Multidisciplinary Approach in the Reduction of Discharge Times for Ground White Second Stage Recovery Unit
Contact: Nicole J. Hoke MSN RN CCNS CCRN
Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Construction and Implementation of an Innovational Twenty-Three Hour Extended Stay Observational Unit
Contact:  Nicole J. Hoke MSN RN CCNS CCRN
Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Champions for Reducing CAUTI in Surgical Patients: Inspiring Excellence to Improve Outcomes
Contact:  Donna S. Johnson BSN RN-BC
Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Improving Patient Outcomes by Improving Post-Surgical Antibiotic Timeliness
Contact:  Peter Stoffan RN BSN
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New York

I'll Be There: Enhancing the Patient Experience During Epidural Placement
Contact:  Mary Irwin MA RN CAPA
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York

Implementing a Regional Anesthesia Service in the Preoperative Area for Orthopedic Patients
Contact:  Ann Deacon RN MSN CPAN
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

Pediatric Pre-Surgery Preparation Center
Contact:  Tara Wright BSN RN CPN
Akron Children's Hospital, Akron, Ohio

Using Capnography to Predict OSA in Undiagnosed Patients With High STOP-BANG Scores
Contact:  Beth Brown BSN RN CPAN
Mercy Medical Center, Dubuque, Iowa

Targeted Quiet Time Intervention in the PACU
Contact:  Beatrice Hazzard RN MS CPAN
University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland

Use OR Holds to Your Advantage! Request More FTE's by Blending ASPAN Practice Recommendation 1 Patient Classification/Staffing Recommendation and AORN Position Statement on Perioperative Safe Staffing and On-Call Practices
Contact:  Richard Fleeger MSN RN
Mayo Clinic Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona

Supporting a Clinical Trial in a Pediatric PACU
Contact:  Mary Briggs BAN RN CAPA
University of Minnesota Medical Center and Masonic Children’s Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bridging the Gap: The Role of the Nurse Navigator in the Perioperative Setting
Contact:  Julie Owczarzack BA RN CPAN
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare-All Saints, Racine, Wisconsin

Leading the Way for OSA: Guiding the Development and Implementation of a Clinical Protocol for Managing Patients
Contact:  Judy Moreno RN CPAN RN-BC
El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, California

"No Interruption Zone" in Ambulatory Procedure Unit to Reduce Medication Distraction at the Pyxis 
Contact:  Carrie Fredericksdorf BSN RN
Hospital of University Pennsylvania and Penn-Medicine Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Safer Surgery: Decreasing Laterality Discrepancies When Scheduling Orthopedic Surgery Cases
Contact:  Marcy A. Post RN MSN
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (JHBMC), Baltimore, Maryland

Universal Protocol and Time-Out: A Highly Reliable Tool for the Promotion of Patient Safety
Contact:  Magdalena G. Smith MA RN OCN
New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York

Understanding Malignant Hyperthermia
Contact:  Magdalena G. Smith MA RN OCN
New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York

Phase 2 Post Anesthesia Recovery Time Management: A New Model of Care
Contact:  Cheryl Clendenin RN MSN APRN-BC  
Mayo Clinic Health System Southwest Minnesota Region, Mankato, Minnesota

Impact of Alternative Therapies with Surgery and Anesthesia
Contact:  Elizabeth Rhodes RN BSN CNIII CMSRN
Duke University Medical Center Eye Center PACU-Durham, North Carolina

Pressure Ulcer: Bottom Line
Contact:  Crisanta P. Masilang BSN RN CPAN CCRN
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas

Implementation of an Ambulatory PACU Length of Stay Project
Contact:  Marianne McAuliffe MSN RN
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts

Alarm Management: Decreasing Alarm Fatigue and Noise Levels in a Pediatric PACU
Contact:  Deborah Dell BSN RN CCRN CPN
The Johns Hopkins Hospital - Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children’s Center, Baltimore, Maryland

Improving Patient and Family Satisfaction During the Perioperative Experience
Contact:  Barbara U. Ochampaugh RN BSN CPAN
St. Peter's Health Partners Albany New York

Does a Colorectal Bundle Reduce Surgical Site Infections?
Contact:  Barbara Ochampaugh RN BSN CPAN
St. Peter's Health Partners, Albany, New York

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Using STOP BANG to Help Prevent Post-Operative Complications
Contact:  Kerrie Brewer BSN RN CPAN
University of Kentucky Healthcare, Lexington, Kentucky

Malignant Hyperthermia Preparedness: A Multidisciplinary Approach Aimed at the Recognition and Management of a Malignant Hyperthermia Crisis During Surgery and Other Invasive Procedures
Contact:  Kathleen M Laramie RN BSN CPN
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Close the Loop
Contact:  Donna Voldan BSN, RN, CAPA
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, Ohio

Glycogen Storage Disease
Contact:  Donna Voldan BSN RN CAPA  
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio

Save Your Money Save Your Time: The Stockroom Renovation
Contact:  Donna Voldan BSN RN CAPA
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, Ohio

What's At Your Bedside? Less is More!
Contact:  Donna Voldan BSN RN CAPA  
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus, Cleveland, Ohio

Splish Splash - How We Managed to Give Our Patients Antiseptic Bath
Contact:  Susan Elliott RN BSN
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, New Jersey

Perioperative Immersion
Contact:  Mary Doerner MSN RN CPAN CAPA
University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, Indiana

Improving Perioperative Nursing Practices in Hong Kong: An Innovative Project
Contact:  Uriel Dualos RN BSN CPAN
University of California San Diego Health, San Diego, California

One Size Does Not Fit All: Nurse Education for Properly Fitted Anti-Embolism Compression Stockings
Contact:  Miguel Laxa BSN RN
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Decreasing Post Operative Length of Stay Through Increasing Education and Awareness
Contact:  Callie Dewbre BSN RN CPAN
University of Colorado Health, Denver, Colorado

An Interprofessional Approach to Hypothermia Prevention in the Perioperative Setting
Contact:  Alice Kohler MSN RN CPAN CCRN NE-BC
Ben Taub Hospital, Harris Health System, Houston, Texas

Alarm Management in the PACU
Contact:  Melissa Sayers RN BS CPAN
Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida

The Nurse Resident in the PACU: Designing and Implementing a Program to Support the Transition of New Graduate Nurses into a Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
Contact:  Bonnie Shope MS RN CPAN
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

Brief CPR Training in the Peri-Operative Setting to Increase Nurse Confidence
Contact:  Kelley Kelly MSN RN CAPA VA-BC
Beltway Surgery Center, Indiana University Health, Indianapolis, Indiana

Creating a Day Surgery Discharge Instruction Sheet for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Patients
Contact:  Marie Courtney BSN RN CPAN CAPA
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

PeriAnesthesia Coping Plan for Pediatric Patients with Autism Spectrum and Behavioral Disorder
Contact:  Katherine Wittling RN BSN CAPA
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Egleston Campus, Atlanta, Georgia

Development of a Unit Based Competency Program to Evaluate and Engage the Adult Learner in the PACU
Contact: Staci Eguia MSN RN CCRN
The University of Texas at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texa

New Graduates in the PACU: Building a Foundation of Knowledge and Trust Through a Residency Programs
Contact:  Christine Tomes MSN RN CPAN
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

An Integrative Research Review of the Impact of Bystander Training on Violence for Utilization in Nursing
Contact:  Christine Tomes MSN RN CPAN
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

Utilization of Bystander Intervention Training for the Prevention of Lateral Violence
Contact:  Christine Tomes MSN RN CPAN
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

Transitioning Students From a Preceptor Based Model to a Patient Focused Clinical Experience
Contact:  Christine Tomes MSN RN CPAN
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

Using Simulation to Better Prepare Perianesthesia Nurses to Handle Emergency Situations in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
Contact:  Patricia L. Ryan MSN MHA RN CPAN
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

CAPA Certified Nurses to the Rescue: Rapid Response in the Outpatient Setting
Contact:  Deborah White BSN RN CAPA
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Engaging the People We Serve Through Collaboration
Contact:  Deborah White BSN RN CAPA
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Hypoglycemia Can Kill! New Protocols Are Long Overdue!
Contact: Louise Meymand DC BSN RN-BC
Baylor Heart and Vascular Hospital, Dallas, Texas

Enhanced Recovery for Elective Colorectal Surgery
Contact:  Jeanette Frantz MSN RN
Midland Memorial Health, Midland, Texas

Outside Your Comfort Zone: Where the Learning Happens!
Contact:  Joyce Stengel MSN RN CNOR
Hospital of the University Of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Use of High Fidelity Simulation for Annual Airway Competency Assessment
Contact:  Susan Gough BSN RN CPAN
Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, Ohio

Decreasing the Incidence of Advisory Alarms in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
Contact:  Ma. Cecilia Lopez BSN RN CPAN
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark, New Jersey

Benefits of Implementing a PACU Specific Evidence-Based Journal Club
Contact:  Lauren D’Urso MSN BSN RN
Catholic Medical Center, Manchester, New Hampshire

Now Read This! The Development of a Presurgical Manual to Facilitate the Orientation Process
Contact:  Wanda Rodriguez RN MA CCRN CPAN
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York

Onset of Pain After Spinal Anesthesia
Contact:  Pamela Luz Bernaldez Guarin BSN RN CPAN
Suburban Hospital Johns Hopkins Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland  

The Benefits of Spinal Anesthesia and Liposomal Bupivacaine in Total Knee Arthroplasty
Contact:  Toni Milne RN CPAN
Texas Health Huguley Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas